I have spent much of my career working with people to promote their health and wellbeing. I am a qualified hypnotherapist, adult trained nurse and specialist community public health nurse. I was drawn to the practice of Reiki as it treats the whole person, the body and the mind, the emotions and the spirit. To explain what Reiki is, the word is best understood from it’s Japanese origins of two words, where Rei means a higher/universal power and Ki means life force energy.

Therefore, it may be understood that Reiki treats and heals the life force energy by means of a higher/universal power.

The experience of receiving Reiki will be unique to you and your needs but many describe a feeling of calmness, relaxation and serenity during and after a treatment.

I practice Usai Reiki, the original method from the original teachings and as such, the teaching lineage may be traced back to the source from where this gentle healing technique began.

Deborah Byrne
Deborah ByrneMA
Usai Reiki Practitioner